3rd assignment

Westerkamp argues that "the essence of soundscape composition is the artistic, sonic transmission of meanings about a place, time, environment and listening perception"(2002). 

This is the soundscape that I created from the audio recordings that I took in the morning before musi334 class. 

Truax's principles 

  • I've trimmed all the audios that I recorded cut and paste it in a sequence that can be easily understood even though there's a lot going on. All the sounds from this soundscape can be heard or create in everyday lives.  Choosing the audio is the key transformations. By selecting sounds that are more noticeable enhances listeners in the understanding of the story. 

  • George Street, Gym( 24fitness), Cafe( Dog with Two Tails Cafe), Albany studio and home are the places I did the audio recordings. By using these original recordings increase the reality of it. The background sounds of these recordings especially at the gym and cafe really show the places and things that I'm exploring. The footsteps added to guide the audience to the changes of places that I'm about to explore. 

  • Balancing the volume of all the things happening (tracks) are one the key themes that influence this composition. Enhancing sounds like munching, drinking and the steps made it a lot more interesting. also thought it would be fun to add  sounds like" peeing " and the lighting cigarettes part . The other key element is the tempo which I doubled it, making it possible to finish telling the story in a short time also sounded great!

  • Finally, this composition really enhances our understanding of the everyday world. Beside than music, there are a lot more sounds that can also be as pleasured. Sounds from this composition can be heard or create by all on a daily basis. 
